Complete Information To Know About Autism

Autism is caused due to deep root anxiety, emotional and mental breakdown and nervous breakdown. There is no foolproof and concrete test for determining whether a person is experiencing. Many parents of autistic child chooses natural cure for autism. Not all natural autism treatment is researched fully. But more are safe and effective.

ASD is discovered in people around the world irrespective of culture, race or economic background. Clues are there that ASD cases are on the rise.

Symptoms of autism-

ASD symptoms become clearly evident during kid hood days between months of the age 12 and 24. The symptoms may appear later or earlier. Early symptoms may include noticeable delay in language or social development.

Usually autism symptom are classified into two categories namely- social restriction and communicating and repetitive pattern of activities or behavior.

Problems with repetitive pattern of activities or behavior include-

-          Repetitive motions, speech pattern and movements

-          Rigid adherence to specific behaviors and routines

-          Fixated preoccupations

Problems with communications and social interaction include-

-          complicatedness establishing and maintaining relationship

-          Problems with communication including problems in sharing interest, emotions

-          Troubles with non-verbal communication like maintaining body language,  eye contact

What causes autism?

The exact cause of ASD still is undiscoverable. The most current research shows that there isn’t single cause. Some of the suspected risks aspects of ASD include the following-

1-      Genetic mutation

2-      being born to aged parents

3-      having immediate family member with ASD

4-      Low birth weight

5-      Viral infection history

6-      Exposure to heavy metals and environmental toxin

7-      Metabolic imbalance

8-      Genetic disorder

How it is cured?

There is no exact cure for ASD but some autism natural cures are there that can absolutely help sufferer to feel better and alleviate symptoms. Before opting for any natural treatment for autism, it is wise to talk to the doctor to determine what is best and what isn’t.

The best natural cure for autism for managing autism includes following-

1-      Chelation therapy that involves flushing of the metals from the body

2-      High dose vitamins

3-      Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

4-      Melatonin for addressing sleeping problems

Still the research on these natural cure for autism is going on. Before investing in those it is good to consider the cost against any possible benefits from these.

Why autism awareness is crucial?

April month is world autism month and is also considered as national autism awareness month. Autism awareness needs empathy and understanding that ASDs are not same for all.

Certain natural autism treatment can work for some but not for all. Parents also can have different opinions on the best natural treatment for autism for their kid with ASD.

What’s the outlook for sufferer with this illness?

There is no exact treatment that may remove ASD forever but most effective autism natural cures that best suit the sufferer may work favorably. Always suggest that before undergoing any treatment it is better to take suggestion from the doctor regarding which one to opt for.



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